
Evaluation Question 1
The question for evaluation task one was 'in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?'.
I have produced a video with a voice over to answer the question above. I have additionally attached the script I used for the voiceover below.

Producing this task was very helpful to me as it allowed me to review which parts of my production could be classed and original and which parts were included in order for the audience to understand the media language we had encoded in our production. Analysing these factors of my production allow me to see what was successful and what was not successful which would influence my decision about whether to include these elements again if I was to make another production.

Evaluation Question 2
The title of this evaluation question was:
1.How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
I have completed this task as a Prezi and have included elements of my audience feedback to back up my points. I have included elements such as: mise en scene, scene and genre.

This evaluation task has been really helpful, as it has helped me to reflect effectively on the creation of all three of my products. It is important to reflect and critic your own productions as well as having other's opinions as you this is very likely to impact your further productions. I have found out from audience feedback what my audience liked and disliked about my products and have analysed how I could improve them. Receiving feedback from members of your target audience is always the best way of learning about your productions as it allows you to know how well your productions have targeted your audience.

Evaluation Question 3
For this question, I have gathered audience feedback from 4 different members of my target audience group. I have made sure I have not been biased by selecting different people of both genders.

Gathering audience feedback has been really helpful when it comes to reflecting my target audience's opinions and attitudes towards my production as I now have a clear understanding about what they liked and disliked about all of the products I have created. This has inspired me to want to change some elements of my products and additionally has allowed me to know what could be done better for next time.
Having a range of different interviewees has meant I have gathered varied perspectives on my texts ensuring that I now have a thorough understanding of what my target audience like and dislike.

Evaluation Question 4
(not sure how you will see this best- Scribd or images)

*Please see both*
This was the last evaluation question that I completed. This evaluation question discusses the different media technologies that I have used throughout my production.
The question I answered was: 'how did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?'.

Completing this evaluation question has really opened my eyes to the different types of technology I have used throughout my A2 coursework. It has reminded me about how much my work and skills have progressed throughout completing this course and how my confidence has developed by using different technologies.

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